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Thank you for your interest in the Alpha Community Center and the ministry with which God has blessed us. To serve the people of Sidney and Shelby County, we offer numerous programs during the week and appreciate your willingness to volunteer your time. As a volunteer you will have the opportunity to interact with adults, teens and children. We have a wide variety of programs. Choose one that matches your interest and talents.


Volunteers are always needed to assist with daily programs, special events and day-to-day operations. The Holidays and our summer prove especially challenging. We can give you purpose and fulfillment as you help us help others.


The time you spend with each child, teen or adult is very valuable. It is our hope that your life will be enriched and you will be blessed by getting to know the people we serve. You can make a difference in the life of a child, adult or entire family. By mentoring them and encouraging them, you can be the Hands and Feet of Jesus. Contact us for more information.

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